Balochistan Public Service Commission BPSC

Balochistan Public Service Commission organizes competitive exams in the province of Balochistan to fill the seats of posts of grade 17 and above in the province of Balochistan. BPSC conducts exams when it is required to fill any seat of grade 17 and over in which the candidates with domicile of Balochistan and having bachelor degree can participate. Written papers, interviews and psychological tests are held during these exams. Only the best candidates of Balochistan are selected to fill the seats of bureaucracy.
Interested candidates submit application for a suitable post after the post is open for the candidates. BPSC accepts the applications of eligible candidates and give them roll number and registration number. Few days before the competitive test, BPSC issues the date sheet and other important information which helps the students to know about examination schedule, time table, place and important instructions. All these information are available at the official site of BPSC.
Students can take model papers from the official site of BPSC when it is required to know about the new paper pattern and syllabus of the board. These model papers are made according to the latest examination syllabus and paper pattern adopted by the board. Past papers can be purchased from the market which are important to know about important questions of the BPSC exams.
BPSC declares the results of exams just few days after the exams. Results of written papers are available at the official site of BPSC while results of interviews and psychological tests are sent to the addresses of the students also. After passing all these papers of BPSC, students are able to get the job of civil service of Balochistan.